torstai 9. lokakuuta 2014

Esittelyssä Spuken EVS Ruben

Esittelemme täällä blogissa Spuken työntekijät, ja tällä kertaa esittelyvuorossa on toinen meidän EVS, eli Ruben Espanjasta. EVS tarkoittaa Eurooppalaista vapaaehtoistyöntekijää. Spukessa on yleensä yhtä aikaa 2 EVS:ää, jotka työskentelevät mm. avoimissa ovissa.


Who are you and where are you coming from?
Like all of you know I am Ruben Lloberas (23), I from Sant Feliu de Guixols, small coast town from Girona province, and living almost all my live in Barcelona.

Tell something about your family.
My family is really small; I don’t have brother or sister. I am really close to my mother and grandmother, they are my really family. Actually I have 3 small cousins who give so much happiness to my family.

How long have you been in Sputnik?
7 months. 

What are you doing?
My work its try to give smile and play with everybody who cross the Sputnik doors independently of the age. I like my job. 

What are you doing in your freetime?
I can’t live without sport, I use to take the bike after work and do some walks. When I have more time during the week I use to go running on forests or athletics place. 

What are you afraid of?
Good question! Actually I’m afraid for the future, it is nothing clear for me. Situation in Spain for young people it is not easy. I would like to live my live with independence and good job, so I guess this is my principal preoccupation actually.  

If you go to pizzeria, what do you order?
If I don’t get fast decision I use to order 4 cheese! Always works ;)

What kind of music do you listen?
I really love Music, I can’t live without music. Depends of the moment I listen one type or another type of music. When I was in university I liked study with instrumental  or classic music, when I go running I like listen dupstep, when I’m just at home I love listen Spanish or catalan Rumba. One of my favorites singers actually its Bruno Mars. 

Tell something about yourself when you were 10 years younger?
10 years ago I was a child really shy, so close to my family and wich only objective on live were play basketball and have good notes in school.

What would you like to do in the future?
Don’t lose the happiness and young spirit, travel around the world and keep the health.

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